Environmental, Social and Governance

Albatris is deeply committed to sustainable investment and actively integrates the sustainability goals of its clients into its operations. Additionally, Albatris is dedicated to achieving a carbon-neutral footprint by the year 2050, aligning with the objectives of the Net Zero Asset Manager Initiative.

Environmental, Social and Governance

Albatris is deeply committed to sustainable investment and actively integrates the sustainability goals of its clients into its operations. Additionally, Albatris is dedicated to achieving a carbon-neutral footprint by the year 2050, aligning with the objectives of the Net Zero Asset Manager Initiative.


Albatris is deeply committed to sustainable investment and actively integrates the sustainability goals of its clients into its operations. Additionally, Albatris is dedicated to achieving a carbon-neutral footprint by the year 2050, aligning with the objectives of the Net Zero Asset Manager Initiative.

Commitment to Sustainability

At Albatris, sustainability is one of our most important values, and we strive to incorporate it at both the organizational and investment levels. We recognize the significant challenges the natural world faces and understand the crucial role financial markets play in fostering a more sustainable future. We are convinced that the way capital is distributed can influence both society and the environment positively, and we are dedicated to contributing beneficially to this transformation.

Empowering Responsible Investment

We acknowledge that our investment actions do not occur in a vacuum and can have either positive or negative effects on the objectives of environmental and social sustainability. By investing responsibly, we ensure that our partners, employees, and clients feel a sense of pride in their association with Albatris, which serves as a powerful incentive.


A Focus on Climate Change

Climate Change is an urgent and catastrophic issue. It is considered one of the biggest risks to our way of life, and as a multiplier issue, Climate Action also affects many of the other Sustainable Development Goals as the physical consequences of an altered climate affect weather patterns, reducing access to food and clean water, challenging both life below water and on land.

Responsible Ownership

Serve as conscientious guardians of capital by exercising our voting rights judiciously; engaging with corporations, stakeholders, and sector initiatives in a focused and impactful way

Client Alignment

Maintain open and transparent communication with our clients regarding these issues through clear disclosures


Assess and incorporate considerations of ESG risks and sustainability factors into their investment decisions


Climate-Informed Investing

We are firmly convinced that considerations of climate change must be integral to investment decision-making processes, acknowledging it as both a risk and an opportunity for impact.

Sustainable Development Goals

The firm has a particular concern about the devastating consequences of accelerating climate change, and an awareness of how this both poses a risk to investments as well as the important role the financial sector must play to mitigate climate change.

Consequently, investing in a climate-aligned manner is important for us and we aim to embed this holistically across the firm. In particular, we focus on how the financial industry can contribute to shifting financial flows to fund the green transition.

We invest in quality assets of the future, today

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